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  • Connecting your business with world-wide
  • Logistics excellence through rich industry expertise and best in class customer services with sensible costs

The Leading Local Freight Forwarder in Thailand

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Years’ experience in Logistics Industry
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Office Partners around the globe
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Clients who trust in our service
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Shipments per month under our care
About Us


Extra Maritime is a privately owned Thai logistics service provider established in 2001; offering full integrated services to various destinations. Our solutions cover all scope of Ocean freight, Air freight, Multimodal transportation and Customs service; both domestically and globally. We merge the strength of local capabilities with our partner companies

in order to provide the best solutions to our clients. We are keen to deliver our efficiencies to match the fast growing demands in the current market situation.

Our Solutions

“We are certified ISO 9001:2015 and very proud of this achievement. Moving forward, our company ensures to deliver impeccable services to customers as always do.”

Providing the best solutions to all your needs


Why choose

Achieving all of your transportation needs through our dedicated and well-trained staff. Our main focus is on customer’s satisfaction regardless of any modes of transportations. We are confident to execute innovative solutions while extending a personalization to every individual customer. We ensure a delivery of reliable services throughout over 30+ offices of our partners worldwide.

End-To-End Solutions

Experts in Local
Statutory Compliance

Prompt Service
with Accurate Results

Precise and 